Special session


co-organized with ITU / Vienna Cyber security Week 2019

March 13, 2019

The Role of Women in the Cyberspace (ITU)

The panel discussion will focus on raising awareness about the importance of cyber security as a career choice for young women in particular. The discussion will stress the importance of doing better marketing of selling jobs to young women but also more importantly, that a great number of cybersecurity jobs require more interpersonal skills than technical ones. They also require analytical thinking, teamwork skills, communication skills, and leadership skills, all of which can be learned in fields other than technology.

– Carla Licciardello, Policy Analyst, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
– Denise Mazzolani, Deputy Head Strategic Police Matters Unit/Transnational Threats
Department, (OSCE)
– Anett Mádi-Nátor,Vice President (Operations and Strategic Business Development), Cyber
Services (Hungary)
– Ivana Kojadinović Žižić, Corporate Counsel, TeleGroup (Serbia)
– Rhonda Evans, Head of the WINS Academy, World Institute of Nuclear Security, (WINS)
– Karsten Simons, Regional Manager Corporate Affairs Europe, CIS, Russia & Israel, CISCO
– Valerie Khan, Consultant and Founding member, Digital Equity (UK)